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Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation procedure. It requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently “shave” the skin’s surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair (aka peach fuzz).

Exfoliation helps your skincare products penetrate the skin and improves their results.

Dermaplaning removes excess fine hairs which are known for trapping the dirt, oil and dead skin cells in your pores that are the main cause of acne and blemishes.

Dermaplaning is a quick, effective procedure that normally takes 45 minutes to complete. It is recommended that patients space treatments approximately two to four weeks apart for the best results.

No, there is absolutely no recovery or down time with this treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Dermaplaning is a form of manual exfoliation similar in theory to microdermabrasion but without the use of suction.. An esthetician grade, sterile blade is stroked along the skin at an angle to gently “shave off” dead skin cells from the epidermis. Dermaplaning also temporarily removes the fine vellus hair of the face, leaving a very smooth surface.

    As with any type of exfoliation, the removal of dead skin cells allows home care products to be more effective, reduces the appearance of fine lines, evens skin tone and assists in reducing milia, closed and open comedones, and minor breakouts associated with congested pores.

    Dermaplaning can be an effective exfoliation method for clients that have couperose (tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin), sensitive skin or allergies that prevent the use of microdermabrasion or chemical peels. Due to the contours of the face, certain areas of the face (such as the eyelids) are not treatable using this method.

  • During a treatment session, we will gently scrape a sterilized surgical scalpel across the surface of your skin to remove the top layer of skin, which is predominantly comprised of dead skin cells, dirt, and oils. This manual exfoliation is performed on each area of the face, excluding the nose and the neck, until the skin has been thoroughly exfoliated. Dermaplaning is a very gentle and relaxing treatment with no pain or discomfort associated with it, the sensations you may experience during a treatment session can best be compared to shaving.
    Treatment sessions typically last for approximately 30 minutes and have no downtime associated with them. Patients are able to immediately apply makeup following a treatment session and return to their normal routines. Dermaplaning treatments can be performed every three to four weeks. Multiple treatment sessions may be required in order to achieve your aesthetic goals.

  • Dermaplaning is an ideal treatment for men and women interested in improving the tone and texture of their skin. This aesthetic treatment is safe for patients with most skin types, including sensitive skin and skin with rosacea. We do not recommend dermaplaning treatments for patients with excessively oily skin or active acne.

  • Dermaplaning can be performed approximately every 3-4 weeks or once the skin has completed its next rejuvenation cycle. In order for it to be effective and worthwhile, dead skin cells need to accumulate again. Also, the vellous hairs (peach fuzz) would have to grow back. You can undergo a single Dermaplane treatment if you want radiant skin for a specific event. Or you can do dermaplaning treatments once a month to maintain radiant skin all the time.

  • When patients hear about the use of a scalpel, this is often their first concern. But dermaplaning causes zero pain during or after the procedure! In fact, it feels more like the sensation of shaving your legs. However, it is important to sit very still and make no sudden movements. Since there is a very sharp blade involved, being still prevents any unwanted nicks.

  • When it comes to dermaplaning and the use of the very sharp blade used, the procedure is safe when performed by a trained and licensed provider. In short, when you are in expert hands, you minimize any risk. Dermaplaning is no more dangerous than a man getting a facial shave from a barbershop, as long as the provider is qualified and knows what they are doing. And all of our specialists at Cloud Med Spa fit the bill. Also worth noting: when you undergo dermaplaning, it is important to sit very still since it is performed with a sharp blade.

  • Results from dermaplaning are temporary and last about 3-4 weeks. This time is about how long it takes the skin to complete a rejuvenation cycle. It is important to note it is not a permanent solution. After all, dead skin cells continue to build over time, and fine hairs are constantly growing. But it is an ideal quick way to get instantly vibrant results regularly or for important events. For example, dermaplaning can be ideal before an event or photoshoot, since the best results are most prominent immediately after the treatment.

  • Nothing specific needs to be done in preparation for a Dermaplaning treatment. However, it is always recommended that patients avoid prolonged sun exposure and drink plenty of water before and after treatments. It is also not advised to undergo dermaplane treatments if you have any raised lesions, open sores, or acne on your face.

  • Dermaplaning is designed to be a facial treatment. As such, it is not normally used on any body parts besides the face and upper neck. If you have an inquiry about dermaplaning for a body part other than your face, please ask one of our specialists.

  • There is no recovery period after dermaplaning. In fact, you can apply makeup and resume your normal daily activities directly after the treatment. We recommend using sun protection of SPF 30 or higher at all times to prevent hyperpigmentation even with minimal sun exposure. We also always recommend proper hydration to further promote healthy and glowing skin. And that is about it!


If you are ready to achieve radiant skin, contact us today for your appointment for dermaplaning at Governors MedSpa. Try this quick, safe, and effective procedure for yourself to see the results it can bring you. Call us or use our online form to get in touch.